Friday, September 22, 2006

Better to be pissed off than pissed on...

Well I know I'm just about the only person reading this Blog and that's fine 'cos I can understand that... but it's a bit pissy if Brit Blog won't read it and activate my account.

After all I've been advertising them to the 3 people who've visited here by mistake, so I feel I'm doing my bit for them!

All I want is to find out if there's anyone out there as sad and stupid as me, I know it's unlikely as I've now become so sad that I'm talking to myself on the internet
- still, you never know.....

So come on BritBlog - read a couple of posts and register me so that other sad bastards have got somewhere to go on lonely nights..Hmmm

Live the dream


Anonymous said...

You are without doubt one of the saddest people I've ever come across... but that's no excuse for your scandalous treatment. Come on BritBlog...let this boy in!

Anonymous said...

I agree, you're obviously a complete git, but at least you're giving it a go. That's the sort of attitude that put the "Great" in Great Britain.
Give him a chance BritBlog

Anonymous said...

Stop him whining...put him on your directory!

Anonymous said...

No need to be like that dear. You never did give him any encouragement the poor boy. No wonder he turned out like he did.
This might be a good chance to make some nice friends!

Anonymous said...

Oh shut up and make me a cuppa woman!

Anonymous said...


Confucious Trevaskis said...

...and yes I really am that sad that I write my own comments!

Debi said...

I'm not sure if I should be here intruding on your conversation but Minx told me to and I really respect her powers (for which read, I'm scared to disobey ...)

Anonymous said...

You're welcome to intrude on my conversations (with myself) Debi. I know what you mean about her powers...she's managed to put a washing up spell on me several times this week already! ..but don't tell her I said so!

Saaleha said...

Hope we've relieved some of your sadness. Tell your father that I shall set the Minx on him if he doesn't start encouraging you. You have a lot to offer the world

Unknown said...

Hmm, Minx told me to come here and I have - thought I'd better before she chucked some nasty jinx my way.
I dunno, are you sad? No more sad than the average member of the species of homo sapiens I've come across during my brief time on planet Earth. There might yet be hope for you if you can get past whinging for your cuppa and expecting someone else to make it for you...

Unknown said...

By the way, I should have added - you might like my Aunt Aggie, she's a philosopher chicken.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you dump Britblog and go for a younger model eg Technorati? Might boost your traffic or whatever you are aiming to boost?

Unknown said...

In the famous words of Asterix the Gaul, 'Uh?'

Anonymous said...

Another Cornish Nutter - hope you don't write books as well - I'm skint enough already

Don't give up - this is good and a clever angle

Confucious Trevaskis said...

Thank you kindly everyone - I feel like i've been given a big hug! Now I know that I exist I shall be looking for new things to moan about...shouldn't be too hard
...Look out technorati !

Anonymous said...

Seems I'm a bit late for the party but would you mind terribly if I stole the sausage roll that's still lurking on the paper plate under that chair?

Suzan Abrams, email: said...

Hi Confucious,

Just saying hello from Saaleha's & Minx's. I'm a very dull person & can't think of anything witty to say except that I've never heard of Confucious philosophy before...

Is it pastry???

yours puzzlingly,

Confucious Trevaskis said...

Hello ladies, thank you for visiting. Of course you can have that sausage roll Sharonj and i think there's an egg sandwich somewhere.......

Yes, confucious is the best kind of pastry used for making the famous cornish pasty.Unfortunately the ingredients are a secret and were I to reveal them...well you know!