Sunday, October 01, 2006

Light travel faster than sound, so a man may appear bright..... until you hear him speak.....

A challenge "layed" down to me by Atyllah The Hen after my blog about England in the 1500's - come up with sayings that will be associated with the 21st Century in the future.

So here goes....

During the early part of the 21st Century, it was customary for the youths of the day to wear a hood over the top of a baseball cap. They were therefore in effect wearing 2 hats.

These youths regularly gathered in large groups, harassing innocent passers by and were often thought of as unsavoury and stupid.

Due to their habit of wearing 2 hats, they were often known by the name twohats.
However, over a period of time, the name became shortened –

Hence the word Twats, that we use regularly today, to describe persons of questionable ability and / or character.

And yes it did take me this long to come up with just this one...

Further ideas and contributions gratefully received...................................


Unknown said...

Bloody brilliant! You're doing so well, I respectfully request that you come up with some more. Please.

Confucious Trevaskis said... that a rod I can feel in my back?

Suzan Abrams, email: said...

Oh learned one...

As my friend Atyllah says, 'bloody brilliant!' though I am very blur, I still think you are very bright.

Very bright, indeed!