Saturday, December 09, 2006

Government Cuts.................

It's come to my attention (possibly via Fox News!), that the massive overspend by the US military, caused by GW's bid for global domination, has led to massive cuts in home spending.

Below is a picture of the new government press office

The police haven't fared any better and their new fleet of cars is somewhat less than what they're used to!

The coastguard are even worse - this is their new coastal patrol vessel

Which is still a step up from their inshore one!
Obviously, the uniform budget has been slashed too!!


concerned citizen said...

To bad most of the police can't budget themselves out of existance.

I refuse to believe Iam so stupid that i consistently misspell word verification & always have to do it more then once, somethings three times. How hard can it be to type 6 or 7 random numbers?


Saaleha said...

Well seems perfectly logical. I mean really, what do you think happens to war mongers?

Confucious Trevaskis said...

Don't worry l>t I have exactly the same problem!
The verification program is very obviously completely dyslexic......why would a word describing people who have difficulty spelling, be so bloody difficult to spell!


Yes Saleeha,but what will be cut next.........

Saaleha said...

Well that's a tough one to figure out. So long as it's nothing 'personal'

Unknown said...

I am detecting a strong Gallic influence on the right hand side and keep expecting to see 'ceci n'est pas une pipe' somewhere...

Confucious Trevaskis said...

Naturellement ce n'est pas une pipe, il est un vélo

Unknown said...

Snort, snigger, gnarf, oooh, heee-heee ha ha. I mean, I'd hate to say I told you so an' all that. Do you wonder though, will this put any damper on the Scary Guy's quest for world domination? Perhaps he'll still have one last really big bang somewhere before he goes?

Anonymous said...

I never seem to keep up with the news. Thank god I have you to keep me informed about what is going on in the world.

I found the second pic extremely interesting. Did you notice the arial on the back of the police car? Could it be that further cuts are on the way, and that unmanned, remote controlled police vehicles will be patrolling the streets?

Unknown said...

Ah, mais oui!Je comprends crois!

Anonymous said...

Hello Confucious,
I'm smiling & smiling.
A favourite telly show Heartbeat comes seriously to mind.

SafeTinspector said...

I can imagine the recoil can double as the reverse gear on that widdle bitty boat.

Melvin Lee said...

Very innnovative ideas for goverment cuts. I like the idea about the coast guard with a big gun and a small boat. Very Mobile and Cost Saving! If there are terrorist they better beware. This mobile CGs are really hard to hit. Plus if you have three of this mini's you will be a dead terrorists. A big boat against 3 minis with big guns will sink you in seconds. Bravo! Cheap and deadly technology

Anonymous said...

okay, I'm losing patience. I haven't had anything new to laugh about in a week. Where the devil are you?!

Anonymous said...

FOX News is the devil.

Everyone! Repeat after me: FOX News is the devil. Fox NEWS is the devil.

The little LAPD car made me laugh out loud. Also, the redneck-y guy next to the chair-in-the-water-thingy.

I'm easily amused, sorry.

Y'all do know that 2008 is coming in less than....I'm not good at math, hold on...(I'm American, we're below everybody in Science & Math) (Plus, I'm left brained)...14 months?

I know! I know. I got the number wrong. Listen! The point is: He only gets 2 terms and they're almost over. Praise Yahweh, Allah, and all that is holy.

I'm not going to debate any of this because it's probably very accurate. Or close.

:-) Amy, who is in a very, very unpatriotic mood at the moment.

Probably due to too much wine at dinner.

Suzan Abrams, email: said...

Confucious, I really really miss your posts.