Thursday, September 14, 2006

And Another Thing..

Did I forget to mention war?

I heard an interview on radio 5 with a nameless and faceless person ( to me anyway). The interviewer asked if we could justify killing 50,000 civilians in Iraq in response to 9/11, which killed 3,000. unbelievably, his answer was that "it's different" Too right it's bloody different, it's 47,000 more people! Now I don't mean to belittle what happened in America, it was of course, a terrible and horrific thing, but come on. even with the getting rid of the "evil dictator" thing, it still seems excesive don't you think? Take a minute and think how you'd feel if the situations were reversed. You're under a regime of tyranny that you didn't vote in and then some foreign super power ( if that's right) wipes out half your family and starts riding around your home town in tanks. Then says "Sorry that we killed your sons and husband, but it was collattoral damage after all. We were aiming for someone else, but it's just one of those things. Anyway look on the bright side, we got Saddam! Oh yeah, that's ok then, no problem, thanks for your help.

Are we really surprised that there are more fanatics than ever now? Well you might be but I'm not!

The truth is no one's right, it's a war and people are getting killed and people killing other people is wrong.

I can't help thinking about the film Matrix, where the agent says that the human race is a parasite or a virus or whatever. Anyway you get the drift.. perhaps he was right, and perhaps the matrix was a prophecy, who knows?

Cheered up now my beauties


Saaleha said...

Poor, poor Confucious. Don't you know that you must get 'out there' so that people will come in here? But I agree with this post. And your sadness one, well it was heartbreaking.

Confucious Trevaskis said...

Thank you Saaleha...get out where though?

Saaleha said...

Why follow the profile trail. It can be so much fun, and often it leads to real gems. Thanks for the visit.