Thursday, September 14, 2006

War do not determine who right, war determine who left

Now that I realise that no one is actually going to read this blog, other than me, my family and the odd person who stumbles across it looking for information on the real Confucius (spelt
differently to avoid such errors), I can relax and say anything I want. So..

Tony Blair, New Labour? What were you thinking? Who are ordinary people supposed to vote
for now? There's no socialism left in this country and everyone's been conned into thinking that
they're middle class.
Have you seen a dustman lately? No you haven't, you've seen a waste products technician or a garbage emporium sanitiser.
Shop assistant? No. Technical scanning operative.
Car mechanic? Nope, they're all technicians now.
Factory worker ( not that there's many factories left). No chance. Technical assembly and dissemination operative.
Footballers are now specialist ball control technicians and the managers are now human
resource executives for specialist ball control technicians, apparently.

Socialist politician, seen one of those? No way me old cock sparrer, Maggie Thatcher must be
doing cartwheels, even at her age.

Heard the one about the union actually doing some good? 'Course not they're all dead and
buried. There was a time when the union might fight for your rights, now they whimper a bit
and say publicly that "it wasn't vary nice of The Global (Really From America) Company to cut
everyone's wages in half and sack 50% of the workforce to move operations to Kwang Chang
Province.... because they didn't tell everyone they were going to do it first"! Like that would have made a difference. I've been an employer as well as a manager for someone else, but it still
makes me feel sick that we've become such apathetic sheep!

Anyway, what I was going to say was...Tony Blair, you've sold your soul and those of many good
people - you complete and utter bastard!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your right i was the ill fated stumbling odd person:)