Saturday, January 27, 2007

The Origin of Twat.................

I was recently informed, by a certain witch - like person, that the word TWAT has more severe meaning in some of the former colonies...........which made me want to learn you do....

Personally, I find it a very useful word that can be either playful, or really fucking rude, or even playful, with an undertone of "I meant that really" ........depending on the context.

Anyway, my extensive research (Logging on to wikipedia) brought up the following definitions............

A fool, synonymous with the word twit - 'You are a real twat and a half'
One who behaves in a childish, extroverted manner know - a complete twat!
To hit something (or someone) really hard - 'I twatted him one'
To become
drunk or otherwise intoxicated - 'Let's get twatted'
It is very often combined with the
synonym cunt, to form "twunt"....didn't know that one....Hmmm
A common spelling alternative is "tw@." This was used in the
video game Grand Theft Auto 3. ....Oh dear.........
There is an
urban legend that "twat" is a term for a pregnant goldfish. ...surely it is, or is that pratt(not to be confused with spratt - which is a real fish)....hang on, I'll just check that out...... bloody loads of different types of small herrings...but no pratts....Wikipedia let me down!

In South African English, the word gwat is used instead of twat; however this has fallen into disuse.

TWAT is also the abbreviation for "The War on Terror"
surely that would be twot....but what do I know.......

How cool is that? - TWAT waged by a couldn't make that up could you............

I told's a really useful word!


Suzan Abrams, email: said...

How cool is that?
Very cool!

but what do I know.......
Your wisdom stays undisputed.

.you couldn't make that up could you............
No. It's your distinct speciality. No twit could quote your wit! :-)

The Moon Topples said...

Yes, here in "the Colonies" we are not allowed to use this word on television, lest hefty fines be levied and children lose their hair.

Weirdly, twit doesn;t pose a problem at all, and is considered completely inoffensive and childlike to use.

These are not my rules. They were here before me.

Saaleha said...

Well a war waged by a twit and a twat. Blair's the twit btw

And it sounds so wonderfully lyrical. Good one Big C

Confucious Trevaskis said...

Thank you Susan....sometimes coincidences make you wonder if there really are any coincidences...........

Hello Moon Topples, nice to have you visit mate.....Ah many of them these days, without them would it be freedom or anarchy.......

Couldn't agree more Saaleha....except twit is not a strong enough word.........

Debi said...

Maybe it's regional. When I was back in school (yes, they did have schools in those days) the legend was that a twat was a pregnant camel ...

Anonymous said...

Well! I am informed. There were a few uses there that I hadn't heard of (sounds pretty bad huh? Uses for a twat!).

'TWAT waged by a twat' what is that saying? Power corrupts and absolute power absolutely corrupts the twats. Then there's: Twats of a feather wage war together, and a twat in the bush is worth ...

Saaleha said...

steve, I think you should say, A twat is a bush.

Unknown said...

Twat and Twit indulge in Twot?


Colonel Knowledge said...

There we are then.

Confucious Trevaskis said...


Anonymous said...

haha this made me laugh, but i have no name.